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Water Investments

Aqualyng is a leading provider of desalination solutions based on reversed osmosis technology. Aqualyng’s proprietary energy recovery device, the Recuperator, has allowed the company to build some of the most energy efficient desalination plants globally. The company has, since inception, designed, built, installed and operated desalination plants in the Canary Islands, Morocco, Egypt, Taiwan, Oman, Saudi Arabia and China. Aqualyng recently honed its focus on China with the sale of a 50% stake in its Chinese subsidiary to state-owned Beijing Enterprises Water Group (‘BEWG’). BEWG is one of the most innovative water solutions providers in China and now treats nearly 5 million m3 of water per day.

Website: http://www.aqualyng.com

Earth Water Group

Delhi based Earth Water Group is one of the market leaders in the Indian water and wastewater management industry. The Group offers various water treatment solutions/technologies through four group firms - Aventura, Fontus, Earth Water Accelerator and Everything About Water.

The Group is focused on three core activities: (i) System integration (ii) Value-added technology distribution and (iv) Analytical services for the water treatment and engineering sector. The vast majority of clients are industrial customers who are looking for the best in class technology and engineering solutions for variety of applications from commercial buildings to pharmaceutical manufacturing to power plants. The Group is a lead by an experienced entrepreneur from the water sector, Sunil Ghorawat.

Website: http://www.ewgroup.in

Scinor Water

Scinor Water is a complete solutions provider for industrial/municipal customers in wastewater treatment seawater desalination – from design, procurement and construction to manufacturing of proprietary differentiated membranes, as well as maintenance and operation services. Scinor’s strong R&D ties to the top Chinese universities allow the Company to produce high quality Microfiltration (MF) and Ultra-filtration (UF) membranes at local/industry leading prices. The high quality and attractive pricing have allowed the Company to quickly gain on international brands.

Website: http://www.mobiuswater.com/english/index.aspx

Agriculture Investments
Camson Bio Technologies

Bangalore based, Camson is a leading agricultural biotechnology company developing hybrid seeds and sustainable products in biopesticides and biofertilisers. The Company develops products that protect crops and enhance growth, based on the concept of zero-residue farming.

Website: http://www.camsonbiotechnologies.com

PT Sariwangi AEA

PT Sariwangi AEA was established in 1962, initially operating in the field of tea trading and later-on becoming a tea producer (blending and manufacturing packaged tea products). The group of company currently is a market leader among private companies, blending and selling over 42,000T bulk tons of tea annually. A pioneer in sustainable agriculture in Indonesia and one of only a handful of plantation operators that is Rainforest Alliance certified, SariWangi Group utilises a solutions approach consisting of Fertigation (providing water and fertiliser through drip irrigation), wireless sensors and specialised agronomy techniques, that have allowed the reduction of fertiliser use and increased yields by over 50%.

Website: http://www.sariwangigroup.com


VoloAgri Group, Inc. invests in the global vegetable seed industry. Its focus is world-class plant breeding and plant genetics, including all major species of vegetables. The Company applies the latest hybrid breeding technologies to improve agricultural results and foster sustainable agricultural practices.

Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, VoloAgri brands now include US Agriseeds, California Hybrids, Catalyst, New World Seeds and Garlikins.

Website: http://www.voloagri.com